12 Driving Tips You Need To Know Before 2024

By CarsFellow 7 Min Read

As technology continues to evolve and our roads become more crowded, it’s crucial to stay up to date with the latest driving tips to ensure your safety and enhance your driving experience. Whether you’re a seasoned driver or just starting out, this guide will provide you with invaluable advice to navigate the ever-changing landscape of modern driving.

From embracing electric vehicles and autonomous features to staying connected while on the road, we’ll explore the essential driving tips that will help you confidently cruise into 2024. So buckle up, adjust your mirrors, and get ready to discover the top driving tips while we move through the end of 2023!

1. Know Where You’re Going

Global positioning systems (GPS) are great tools for getting where you are going, but they can also be a hindrance. Using them to help navigate is common, but you do not want to rely on them too heavily as they can sometimes cause issues on long trips. Plan out your trip and know your route to your destination before you take off and only use the GPS as a backup.

2. Avoid Distractions

Distracted driving comes in many forms. Putting on makeup, eating, texting, rubbernecking, and failing to pay proper attention all constitute distracted driving.

It’s easy to start talking to passengers or focusing on the kids while you’re driving, taking your attention off of the road. Make sure the kids have activities and snacks and adequate amounts of water to keep them occupied and try to avoid taking your attention off the road when driving, even if talking to another passenger.

3. Plan Long Trips Accordingly

If you know you are going on an especially long road trip, you want to eliminate as many headaches as possible when getting there. In addition to knowing your route, you also want to make sure you have a backup route in case of construction or road hazards, which can be common during the summer months. “A roadside construction area or work zone can create dangerous road conditions that increase the risk of car accidents,” note accident lawyers from Vanguard Attorneys, “despite laws and roadway rules in place to increase the safety of construction zones, many roadside work sites have hazards that risk the lives of both drivers and workers.”

Plan out rest stops accordingly and make sure you stay fueled up, both with gas or electricity for your car and with adequate snacks and water.

4. Learn To Drive Defensively

When you are on the road with other drivers one of the most important things you can learn is how to drive defensively. Defensive driving leverages safe driving strategies to anticipate and address potential hazards on the road. Employing these techniques can help reduce the risk of collisions and improve road safety for everyone on the road.

Keep your distance from other drivers and avoid any situation that may be dangerous!

5. Do Not Drive Under The Influence

Any sort of impairment while driving can lead to a car accident. Drowsy driving and drunk driving is incredibly dangerous and should be avoided at all costs, even if it extends your travel time. Some medications on the market can affect your reaction time or your ability to control the vehicle should be avoided or else you should let someone else drive.

6. Follow The Traffic Signs

Traffic signs serve important purposes, both for drivers and people on the road, including construction workers, cyclists and pedestrians. Follow all posted speed limits and signage to reduce the risk of a crash.

7. Avoid Driving Long Hours 

Driving longer than a few hours at a time drastically raises the risk of getting into an accident. Driving for excessive hours raises that risk even higher. According to the National Safety Council, drivers who drive more than 8 hours in a day have been known to fall asleep behind the wheel.

8. Check Your Insurance Policy

Having up-to-date insurance and the proper coverage is part of your responsibility as a driver. No one wants to be in an accident, but having the right insurance will help if it happens.

9. Make Sure Your Tires Are In Good Shape

Having tires that are in bad shape will make it harder to control your vehicle. Balding tires also more likely to malfunction or even pop while driving!

Make sure your tires are in good shape and still have plenty of tread left by checking the tire pressure and taking your car in for a full inspection.

10. Use Safety Features

Modern vehicles come with a whole range of safety features, including things like collison warnings, backup and side view cameras and much more. Make use of these technologies if you have them to improve your driving and prevent accidents.

11. Buckle In Children Properly and Use Car Seats

Child safety should be a top priority. Seat belts are appropriate at a certain age and size, but all younger children should be in a car seat for their appropriate age range. 

12. Watch For Bad Weather Or Road Conditions

We can’t predict everything but we can check the weather before a trip and leverage technology to tell if there is road work or other hazards in our path. Be sure to check the weather and plan accordingly, rather than leave on your trip and be caught unaware.

Staying Safe in 2023

As we move through the last half of 2023, it’s essential to adapt to the advancements and changes in the driving landscape. By following these driving tips tailored for the present era, you can ensure a safer, more enjoyable driving experience for everyone on the road!

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