Tips and Guides

Planning to Buy a New Car? These Tips Will Surely Come Handy

By CarsFellow

February 09, 2022

To live a happy and peaceful life, there are numerous things that we try to achieve, and the sense of freedom is one of them. We constantly look for something that gives us the pass to live our lives on our own accord, and most of the time, these things are material objects. One such object that provides us with this freedom is a car.

Owning a vehicle has numerous perks, but nothing comes close to experiencing your freedom. Owning a car means you can take road trips, explore different cities and have fun with your friends and family. A fun thing about it is that you don’t have to rely on them to go as you have the freedom to do this all by yourself.

Owning a car also proves to be helpful in emergencies, especially in times like these when using public transportation can put you more at risk of getting the virus. Due to all these reasons, automobiles have become indispensable for most people; however, many people still don’t know how to purchase one.

There is no doubt that buying a new car is a big step and to make sure that it doesn’t become too intimidating for you we bring you some tips that will surely come in handy.

1. Think Of a Car You Need

Even before planning to buy a new car, you must know the kind of car you need. Since a new car is one of the most significant investments you could make, you must focus on the care you NEED instead of the vehicle you WANT. The best way to do that is by making a list of all the things you expect from your new car. For example, it would be pointless to buy a two-seater when you have a family.

Your new car must help you out with your everyday needs and be realistic for your goals. A few questions that could check before making a decision include:

2. Start Researching

After you have decided on the car you need, you should instantly start doing extensive market research. Since the internet is accessible to almost everyone, researching becomes extremely easy. Searching for online dealerships can save you from the pain of going out to visit different dealerships.

Researching allows you to get an idea of what a new car will cost and help you take a detailed look at the pros and cons of different options. A tip would be to always find around five of six options so you can narrow them down later according to their pros and cons.

Since you would be researching online, the best thing you can do is look for user reviews to understand whether the vehicle works as advertised or not.

3. Finding the Right Time to Buy a New Car

The next thing you can do is find the right time to buy a car, “the right time” usually refers to when the prices are lower, you can get better deals. For example, you can get good deals during Black Friday or by the end of December because car dealers want to move their old stock so they can make room for the new one. You can also avoid buying your new car during the paydays, usually at the start of a month.

It gets extremely tough to bargain when the dealership is crammed with buyers; one thing you should remember when you buy a car is that seasons also affect the prices. For example, during summers, people want to purchase convertibles, whereas, during the cold season, they want fast and compact cars.

4. Will The Model Hold its Value?

A problem with buying new cars is that they often lose their worth quickly, and within a few months, your new car slumps in value, which is why it is incredibly crucial to know what model sheds cash quicker than the other. This way, if you ever feel like selling your car, you would know that the price you would get will be worth the trouble.

5. Find out How Much a New Car is going to Cost You?

Most buyers make a massive mistake because they don’t consider the costs apart from the initial purchase. Sometimes buyers are getting a reasonable price, and they often rush into deciding because the price is too good. They don’t consider the costs that come later on, such as tax, fuel, MOTs, car insurance, servicing, and another spending.

You must always find out how much a car will cost you in your everyday life rather than just buying it at its initial price.

6. Negotiate Terms

For most people buying a new car is like playing a game of chess, and it should be the same for you because this kind of investment requires you to bring your A-game to the dealership. It would be best to stay confident when buying a new car and never feel bad about walking away from an offer.

When you enter a dealership, you must show confidence, so the salesperson knows that you have the required knowledge and do anything to negotiate your terms. For example, if they make an offer that includes a monthly payment on a 60-month loan, tell them you want the same deal on a 50-month loan.

7. Find Pre-Registered Cars

Another thing that you can do to get a car at the best rates is finding a pre-registered vehicle, this means that the car would already have an owner, but it would be new. This works because dealers buy the vehicles and register them to their dealership. They do this because they want to meet sales targets or want bonuses for hitting targets.

When a car is pre-registered, you can save up to 70% because the records show that the vehicle already had an owner.

8. Take it out on a Test Drive

One of the most important things to do before buying a new car is to take it out on a test drive; you can find many things about a vehicle when test driving it because advertisements don’t tell the entire truth about a car. While test driving, something you can understand about a car includes its comfort, brakes, clutch if it is a manual drive, bonnet and doors, passenger space, the engine’s noise, suspensions, and suspensions whether it is veering or not.

Final Note

These were some of the best tips you can consider when buying a new car; however, apart from these tips, you must always do to stay bright throughout the process; you must always choose options in your best interest.

For example, you can save your time and effort by getting it delivered to your home or being financially intelligent by paying for the car with your credit card, this way; you would get extra protection if something wrong goes down the line.

In the end, you would always want to educate yourself about every aspect so you could go in negotiations well-prepared and get the best deals possible.