The Orbit could reduce the need for personal cars.


Fisker Unveils Self-Driving Shuttle Built For Smart Cities

By CarsFellow

December 05, 2017

Fisker Unveils Orbit Self-Driving Shuttle

Believe it or not, Fisker is not just focused on upscale electric cars. The automaker has Teamed up with China’s Hakim Unique Group on the Orbit, a self-driving electric shuttle tailor-made for smart cities. There are not many details, but it’s clearly taking advantage of its driverless nature: The boxy style maximizes passenger space, and there is a huge digital display that tells commuters when the shuttle departs and what its next stop will be. you would not have to twiddle your thumbs wondering whether or not you will make it on time.

And unlike Fisker’s projects to date, you will not be waiting forever to see an Orbit on the road. The company expects to deliver its first shuttles by the end of 2018. They’ll initially be used as part of an Hakim Unique-implemented smart city. There is no mention of where this city would be, let alone when it’ll expand elsewhere. However, Hakim has a global reach, and it’s safe to presume that Fisker does not want to confine its autonomous tech to 1 country. The largest challenge is likely to be finding cities and transportation outfits that are willing to incorporate self-driving shuttles — That requires both the right legal framework and companies that are willing to take a chance on a robotic fleet.