Tips and Guides

5 Things to Consider When Shopping for the Best Radar Detector

By CarsFellow

October 23, 2018

Best Radar Detector

The best radar detectors don’t have to be the most expensive. You should never confuse cost with quality. When shopping for a radar detector to avoid those pesky speed traps, you should focus on what you need and what your lifestyle requires. Are you a parent who spends most of their driving time running the kids around? Perhaps you’re a commercial truck driver that needs a more automated radar detector? Maybe you’re a chauffeur that doesn’t want to get bogged down by speeding traps? These kinds of things will help guide you to finding the best radar detector for you and get the best bang for your buck. So, what do you need to consider before getting your 2018 radar detector?

1) Where Will You Put the Radar Detector?

In some states, the law says you cannot have anything on your windshield and this is one example of why you need to consider where you’ll put your radar detector. No point in buying a radar detector that will get you pulled over because you’re displaying it in an illegal way. When shopping for the best radar detector for you, consider how it is installed. Some require a professional to put it in, others are fastened to your dashboard, or if you want it more discreet maybe just the passenger seat. But, you also need to think about kids playing with it or the machine sliding around. Think about your driving style, the type of terrain you get around in, and what passengers you usually have. This will certainly cut through a lot of the radar detector choices you have and help you find the best one.

2) Do You Need Long Range?

If you’re a commercial driver, especially the kind that spend a lot of time on the highway then a long-range radar detector might be best for you. Having a longer range means the machine will detect a speed trap more in advance, giving you a longer amount of time to slow down and make adjustments. The benefit of a long-range radar detector is that you can detect the speed gun of an officer before it can register your vehicle, even more, important in hilly terrain. You want to see them before they see you.

3) Do You Want to Locate the Threat?

Some radar detectors offer direction and are able to pinpoint the threat of a ticket. If you’ve ever used Waze or GPS apps like it, you know that it will communicate an accident or officer, these radar detectors operate in much the same way. If you get a radar detector that also has GPS you can pinpoint these sneaky traffic tickets with greater accuracy. These are great for those who drive around cities and towns, where turns and corners are part of the everyday routine.  Knowing in advance which way the speed gun is waiting can help you to choose a new route when going about your day. While this is a fantastic option for some drivers, it may be an unnecessary bell for those who use long stretches of freeway most of the time.

4) Do You Want GPS Integration?

Having a radar detector that can sync with a GPS app or has one itself can really streamline your driving. No one should be juggling different equipment when on the road and these radar detectors help simplify avoiding a speeding ticket. Having this option is suitable for commercial drivers, whether truckers or chauffeurs and the city-dweller. While having this ability in your radar detector does make it significantly more versatile it can also up the price. But, if you spend a lot of time driving new ways around or traveling to new places via the car it may be the best radar detector for you.

5) Where Do You Live and Do You Drive in Towns, Cities, or Highways?

Out of the other considerations, this one is probably the most important. It will determine what qualities in a radar detector you need and which ones just don’t make sense for you. Driving great distances and driving around Manhattan or cruising around the Midwest versus the mountainous North West all require different tools. But, more than terrain and road styles is the legalities in your state. Make sure you’re familiar with what is allowed and what isn’t when it comes to radar detectors. No use doing all this research to find the best radar detector for you only to have it confiscated. Some radar detectors offer a way to jam some police speed guns and those are sometimes illegal, others may be illegal due to the way they’re mounted inside the car. So, be sure that what you’re getting suits where you’re driving and you’re not breaking any local or state law in doing so.

The best radar detector for you is the one that fits your most frequented terrain, the kind of roads you cruise, and your lifestyle. There are many options when shopping for a radar detector and many will claim theirs is the best because it has this or that, but do you need them?  The best radar detector may be the most simple one or the one that can sync with your smartphone and direct you cross country while pinpointing every waiting cop on the way. It’s all up to you, now go get busy driving past those speeding tickets.